Please Visit Our New

 Website - Click Here


Welcome Back!  We look forward to another great school year.  Be sure to check the website for the most current events being planned and other important information.

We Are Olympic!

Congratulations to David Giordano for being Selected as the Mt. Diablo
Teacher of the Year

Olympic is pleased to announce the appointment of our new principal,
Ms. Lynsie Castellano
Click Here to learn more about her.

Olympic High School
2730 Salvio Street
Concord, California
Phone: 925-687-0363    Fax: 925-798-6317
Email Address:
Principal: Lynsie Castellano

Grades: 10-12 - You must be 16 years of age to attend Olympic
School Hours: 7:55 a.m. - 1:58 p.m.

For questions regarding enrollment, please contact our registrar, Ms. Powers at 682-8000 ext. 3010



  • Dec. 18 - Last day of classes - Winter Recess 12/19-1/3
  • Jan.    4 - Classes Resume
  • Jan.  18 - Martin Luther King Day - No School
  • Jan.  22 - Staff Development Day - No Classes
  • Jan.  21 - End of First Semester
  • Jan.  28 - Aviation Institute - 3rd Period - Career Center
  • Feb.  15 -  Apply to DVC or LMC - Career Center
  • Feb.  18 -  Paul Mitchell Beauty College - 3rd Period

Olympic Giants Faithful
Viewing the Trophies at Todos Santos Plaza
January 12, 2015

Skip Weinstock, Marissa Prater, Heawon Powers, Kathy Whirlow, Jesse Forsland
Click on the photo above to see additional photos

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Giants Faithful Celebrate Another
World Series Victory

Skip Weinstock, Peri Curtis, Marissa Prater, Heawon Powers, Danielle Simon, Karen Davis, Dave Giordano,
(front) Jesse Forsland

Click on the photo to view it in its larger format

Ice Cream Social Hosted by Leadership-Photos

Oly Day Photos - June, 2014

Upcoming Events              

Some of Past Year's 'Stuff'

End of Year Events - Prom / Graduation

OHI Final Video for Verizon Contest

Principal's Letter - Fall, 2013

Congratulations to Olympic

Received a 6 Year WASC  Accreditation

Increased API Score by 137 Points 

Ms. Khalil's Math Study Questions
State Released CAHSEE Questions - Math
State Released CAHSEE Questions - English

Tearing Down the Walls - Huge Success

Journalism Students Visit KTVU Newsroom

Olympic Students Visit Universal
Technical Institute

Got Milk? Olympic High School in Concord puts on collective milk mustache and wins breakfast challenge

Congratulations to Ms. Marissa Prater and her journalism students for the first publication of this year's Olympic Newsletter.  The publication is named 'The Torch' and will be published once a month.  Ms. Prater's class is also producing a yearbook which will be available later in the year.

Long Time Teacher Skip Weinstock Honored as 'Hometown Hero' by the Contra Costa Times and Comcast

Dr. Victor DeNoble Returns to Olympic

Most Recent Olympic Events

Proposal To Name the Softball Field in Honor of
Long Time Teacher and Coach, Ron Redding

Parent of Olympic Grad Expresses Sincere Appreciation
Olympic Appreciation to Our Wonderful Parents
Former Student Expresses Appreciation

Olympic Elective Day a Huge Success
New Emphasis on Going 'Green' at Olympic