As teachers we like to think we can help keep our students safe, although we know we cannot.  Teenagers are bursting with life and so they should be.  Shane was a person like this - - bursting with life.  I don't think I ever saw him when he was not full of joy, life, excitement and, seemingly unlimited energy -- even after 4 or 5 hours spent working on his mural. I can literally  feel this energy every day when I pass by this mural.

Shane had a certain gratitude for many simple, everyday things in life.  Although he parked his bike in my room for over a year, he never failed to ask politely if he could.

He sometimes brought me things…… a beautiful magnolia seed pod, a balloon….once even some porno magazine photos he found by the side of the road on his way to school.

And he always had a smile and an enthusiastic greeting when he came into the room.  Shane  was fiercely proud of his individuality and his well developed sense of responsibility.   He was intensely creative in all things; art, music, hair style…..in life.  He was also really quiet; not asking or expecting things to be given to him, quietly pursuing his own way…his path.

He saw some things so clearly for his young age, what is important and what is not….how to live in the moment.  He knew life needs to be savored.

Someone told me once -- and I believe -- that those who leave at the highest of energy times -- the first full day of Spring -- the Vernal Equinox -- the day Shane died, will be filled with the highest energy in their next life.

God speed!

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